Course Rates

BONS Best of Northshore 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2021

2023 Rates


9 holes
18 holes



9 holes
18 holes



9 holes
18 holes


Junior Rates (17 and Younger)

- Weekdays -

9 holes
18 holes


- Weekends -

9 holes
18 holes


Senior Days (62 and Older)

- Mondays & Thursday before 3pm -

Walk 9 holes
9 holes ride
Walk 18 holes
18 holes ride


Early Bird Specials

Early Bird: Monday thru Friday before 7am

Early Bird

9 holes walk
9 holes ride
18 holes walk
18 holes ride


Driving Range

Visit our all grass practice facility:

  • Large two tier putting area
  • All grass driving range

Medium Bucket $8.00
Large Bucket $12.00

Range Closes at 6 PM Mondays for Maintenance.

Open 7 days a week

Purchase Gift Cards

Purchase a gift card in the Pro Shop for green fees, merchandise or lessons. Call 978-352-8300 or email

If you can’t get here during daylight hours, just give us a call and we can take your information over the phone to mail you a Gift Card.

Exclusive Offer to our E-mail List Customers!

Permanent Tee Times Available
Before 7:30 A.M. on Saturdays and Sundays
Start early to get home early!

How it works: No charge to hold the tee time. If you can’t make it just call the Pro Shop and cancel by Wednesday of that week.